Author: Suzanne

6 Steps to Changing Bad Eating Habits

Most of us are creatures of habit. We buy the same foods from the same grocery store, prepare the same recipes over and over, and live within our own familiar routines. But if you’re...

We Are All Connected

In todays email from Anita Moorjani, she reminds us… … that we are all connected. As the sun shines its light on each and every one of us, unconditionally, so God’s love is always...

Mantras and Their Meanings

Mantras are Sounds or Phrases. (Click Here to Order Malas) Mantras are repeated in meditation as a means of concentration. The quality of the mantras are thought to attune the mind and body leaving...

How To Use Japa Mala Beads for Meditating

Using Japa Mala beads is a great way to get started meditating. Japa = Recitation (mantra or chant) Mala = Set of Beads Using mantras help to calm the mind, experience deeper awareness and...