My Fortune Cookie Fortune

I have t o laugh at the “fortunes” I always seem to receive when I get a fortune cookie. Some time ago a fortune reported: “An event will soon change your life”. It soon...


Moved to Tears… Twice

I don’t usually turn on the TV during the day time. Too distracting (I’m addicted). Today, my son turned on my TV while I was at work and it was still on when I...


What is Surrender?

Surrender means no longer fighting for your limitations. Powerful, isn’t it? This statement forces you to realize your limitations are created and kept, by you. You become unstoppable when you understand this, and lift...


Panache Desai

The key to changing the world, to changing your life, and to empowering those around you is authenticity – the willingness to be yourself – the willingness to be vulnerable – the willingness to...


Healing Power of Meditation

“In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is like a laser beam – it is very powerful and healing can happen.” – Sri Sri Ravi...